chevron_rightWhat are my voting rights in the condominium association?
The owner of record of each unit in the condominium shall be entitled to one (1) vote as a member of the Association. If an apartment is owned by more than one person, or by an entity (i.e. corporation, partnership, or trust) the Unit owner shall file with the Association a voting certificate, designating the person entitled to vote for the apartment, this certificate shall be signed by all of the record owners of the apartment and filed with the Secretary of the Association. Unit owners should be aware that most day to day decisions of the Association are made by the Board of Directors and do not require a vote of the unit owners.
chevron_rightWhat restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my unit?
Each of the apartments shall be occupied only by a family, its servants and its guest, as a residence and for no other purpose.
chevron_rightWhat restrictions exist in the condominium documents on the leasing of my unit?
The entire apartment may be leased or rented for any period in excess of six (6) months upon the approval of the Board of Directors (application may be found on the Community website www.fairviewvista.com). Further, no Owner shall enter into a lease, rental agreement or other similar conveyance of use of his/hers/its apartment during the first twelve (12) months of ownership of that Apartment. The lease of an apartment shall not discharge the owner thereof from compliance with any of his obligations and duties as an apartment owner. All of the provisions of the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and the Rules and Regulations of the Association pertaining to use and occupancy shall be applicable and enforceable against any person or corporation occupying an apartment unit as a tenant to the same extent as against an apartment owner and each such tenant shall covenant and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Association, and the terms and provisions of the Declaration, Article of Incorporation and By-laws. Any owner renting, leasing or otherwise allowing any tenant guest or licensee to reside in said Owner’s Apartment hereby designates the Association as the Apartment Owner’s agent for the purpose of and with the authority to terminate any such lease agreement or Apartment residency in the event of any violation of the Association Declaration or Rules and Regulations by the tenant or occupant. This Association right, and Owner agent designation shall be an essential element of any such lease or tenant agreement, whether oral or written, whether specifically expressed in such an agreement or not, and whether the lease was approved by the Association or not. In the event the Association elects to evict or take other legal means through which to remove the tenant or apartment occupant from the Apartment, the Owner of such Apartment shall be responsible for indemnifying and fully reimbursing the Association for any and all pre and post-suit legal fees and costs associated with such course of action.
chevron_rightHow much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type and when are they due?
Each unit is assessed a proportional share of the overall estimated operating expenses of the Association (including Reserves). For 2022 the monthly assessments are $350.17 for an interior unit and $435.98 for an exterior unit. Assessments are due on the 1st of the month and considered late after the 10th of the each month. Sums not paid on or before ten (10) days after they are due are subject to a late fee.
chevron_rightDo I have to be a member in any other association? If so, what is the name of the association and what are my voting rights in this association? Also, how much are my assessments?
You are not obligated to join any other association other than Fairview Vista Condominium Association.
chevron_rightAm I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used facilities? If so, how much am I obligated to pay annually?
The unit owners are not obligated to pay rent or land use fees for any recreational or other commonly-used facilities, with the exception of the which can be rented. See Clubhouse Reservation section. The expenses related to the operation, repair and replacement of the facilities are built in to the annual operating budget of the condominium association are paid for by unit owners through their monthly assessments.
chevron_rightIs the condominium association or other mandatory membership association involved in any court cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000? If so, identify each such case.
The condominium is not involved in any court cases.
chevron_rightHow do I get a copy of the Rules and Regulations?
Rules and Regulations are available here, as well as the Documents & Forms link on the left.
The Documents & Forms section does not require a Log-in, so your tenant, a prospective buyer or real estate agent can view these documents.
chevron_rightHow do I reserve the clubhouse?
The Fairview Vista clubhouse is available to rent on a first come first serve basis. The rental fee is $50, payable in advance and there is a $100 cleaning fee which is refundable as long as the clubhouse is left clean. Rental fee will be forfeited if the rental is not canceled 5 business days prior to the scheduled event.
To check availability and to reserve, click the reserve amenity link on the left side of the page. Then select the reserve clubhouse option from the drop down menu. A calendar will appear with available days in white. Select your date, then select the time, and follow the instructions on the screen. Your reservation will be held for 10 days, and will only be confirmed when your $50 payment is received at Vista Community Management Association, Inc.
*Please note that you will be charged a $100 cleaning fee if the clubhouse is not cleaned after rental.*
chevron_rightWhat is the pet policy for owners and tenants?
a. There is a 1 pet per unit limit:
b. The weight restriction is 25lbs:
c. Owners and tenants must clean up after their pets:
d. All pets must be registered with the management company:
e. Pets must be on a leash while outside the unit
f. Pets are strictly prohibited from entering the pool or beach area.
chevron_rightWhere do I mail my assessment payments?
Assessment payments can be mailed to our Property Manager at the address below:
Fairview Vista COA
c/o HomeWatchCFL
P.O. Box 1646
Windermere, FL 34786-1646
* Please note your unit number or account number in the memo area.
chevron_rightHow do I get a copy of the Condominium Insurance Policy for my mortgage lender?
An "information only" certificate of the current Condominium Insurance Policy can be found here.
If you need additional assistance, please contact:
Mary Evans
Assured Partners
300 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 270
Maitland, FL 32746